The TESOL Certification Course Format & Structure
So much more than just a class. Our blended format combines online and face-to-face learning for the best of all worlds.
As of Spring 2020, our "face-to-face" sessions are all held via Zoom. We have worked hard to keep the spirit of face-to-face learning in our class sessions. Be prepared to work in small groups, build strong professional relationships with your class and instructors, and complete your presentations and assignments online.
The bonus? Now you will complete your certificate with knowledge of teaching in a classroom as well as in a virtual environment.
Face-to-face (or "synchronous" sessions)
- Real practice teaching in front of a virtual class
- Feedback from teachers and peers
- Practice with the most current online tools and resources for learning and teaching
- Connection and camaraderie that only happens when you're in the same room together
- Less drive time
- More self-directed study
- Classes from the convenience of home
- Laser-focused in-class sessions
- Complete your practicum anywhere

Choose one of the two options:
(Face-to-face and Online)
As of Spring 2020, our "face-to-face" sessions are all held via Zoom.
We have worked hard to keep the spirit of face-to-face learning in our class sessions.
Before the official first class even begins, we’ll have an intro module to help you prepare for your upcoming class and get ready for teaching abroad.
First day of school: we’ll have our first video class together! I’ll explain how the course works and what your assignments are, and we’ll practice with the technology you’ll need to do it.
There are a total of 14 video conference sessions throughout the course.
Between class sessions, you’ll complete your assignments (like readings, videos, and discussions) on the course website. EFL instructors will be on the discussion forums, so if you have any questions, We’re just a click away. When we meet for our class sessions, we will build on the lessons you already began on the website, as well as cover some topics that are best done in person.
Are you taking the hybrid course? Let’s get together! Once we complete the first module online, it’s time for our face-to-face sessions to put everything into practice. Plan to spend 5-6 days working with us live at one of our course locations.
Sessions meet either 2 weekends, 1 week, or 2 nights/week for one month. Check our calendar to see what’s coming up next.
Are you taking the fully online course? We’ll continue meeting, working, and learning together online. Remember that in an online class with minimal face time, there are lots of assignments that you’ll be completing according to your own schedule between sessions. Don’t forget to schedule in 4-8 hours of classwork between sessions on your calendar.
The final stretch, Hybrid program: Once we finish our in-person sessions, you’re almost there! We’ll meet online twice more to complete the course material, and a final time for your final exam and victory celebration!
The final stretch, Online program: We’ll continue working online together as we finish up our last lessons of module 3, your final exam, and of course a victory celebration.
CONGRATS, you’re a teacher! Now it’s time to finish up the last hours of your teaching practicum and access your bonus material, like our Resume Writing module and professional development workshops.
What comes next is up to you. The whole world is waiting for you. Get on your way to teach, travel, and transform your world.
Don’t forget to send pictures!
Now you’re thinking…
“Well this looks a lot easier than going to class everyday.”
Yes, the blended or online TESOL course format is perfect for some people! In fact, it's a great match if you:
- Are good with making and keeping your own study schedule
- Don’t get overwhelmed by having access to lots of information at once
- Can reach out for help by text, email, or phone if you need it
- Aren’t terrified of technology
- Are comfortable with using word processing programs (Word, Docs, Pages), Google Drive, and Zoom
- Are willing to try something new
- Are willing to communicate by phone, email, and video conferencing (like Zoom)
- Enjoy the freedom of working on your own schedule (and in your pj’s)
- Understand that this is a college level course and expect to spend time with new ideas, assignments, and technologies

If you’re new to the world of online learning and are just feeling a little nervous, don’t worry, we’re behind you every step of the way. We’ve make the course easy to use, we’re using the simplest, most accessible technology we can get our hands on, and you’re not in this alone.

But beware, it’s not for everyone.
If this list describes you, it’s better to consider our face-to-face course or a different program:
- Not self-directed or not willing to make the time in your schedule to complete the online modules
- Don’t like to ask for clarification, and can’t imagine having to do that by phone or email
- Prefer to complete assignments in class, and not have to work on them at home
- Don’t have a fast, reliable internet connection or a computer with a microphone and camera
- Want to take this version of the course because it looks easier (it’s not)
- Hate technology or are convinced that you’re cursed by the tech gods
If that sounds like you, contact us about our next face-to-face offering.
So are you ready to let the adventure begin?
The whole world is waiting for you. |
Ready to teach English abroad, but not sure it's for you?
We created the Teach Abroad Starter Kit just for you. Learn about the process and complete the tasks in the Starter Kit, and you’ll be on your way to teaching English in no time.
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