It was exactly one week ago, give or take a few hours, that I landed in Asuncion, Paraguay, for my 10-month contract as an English Language Fellow (or ELF, the best acronym ever, in my opinion.)
I’m alive. I’m well. It’s not called the honeymoon phase for nothing! 🙂
I don’t really know where to begin other than to say it’s been a whirlwind of a week. After getting out of the airport around midnight last Sunday, I spent the week meeting people at the various organizations I’ll be working with in the coming year, learning a bit about the country and culture, getting my Spanish back up and running, and setting up my new apartment and life.
I needed at least 12 days in this week, but oh well.

It’s a good practice for me. Good, in that getting settled into being a productive, adjusted human in a new society is what I support my clients at home with every day. And now it’s my turn.
Good, in that I get to be in their shoes as a reminder of how exhausting and also how exhilarating it is.
Good, in that I get to practice being as kind and patient with myself as I am to them. And to have a sense of humor about all the mistakes I make in a day.
So instead of a play-by-play of what happened this week, how about a list of some of the things I learned? It’s been a big week.
- I learned how phone numbers work here, swapping out numbers and zeros depending on if you’re calling a landline, calling FROM a landline, calling TO another cell phone, etc. OK, I didn’t really learn it, but I have cheat sheet.
- How to get to my office. And home.
- How to work the checkout aisles at the grocery store. (yeah, carts don’t go through)
- How to tell an Uber driver where I want to go. And getting there.
- How to take the bus downtown. And back.
- How to roughly know how many dollars I’m spending when $1 = 6,100 Guarani. Math is not my strong suit. And yes, I have a cheat sheet. And an app.
- How to order some Paraguayan food
- How to greet people correctly (two kisses, most of the time)
- How not to be shocked by the melting pot that is Paraguay
- How to count the 10(thousand) things I’ve learned, and not the 10(million) I haven’t yet. (Although I have high hopes of figuring out my address soon)
Chipa Guazú = cornbread with cheese
guiso de poroto = bean soup with rice and cheese and other yummy thingsI didn’t get a photo of the one I ate, but I’m quite sure there will be more in my future. Yum!
And amid my tornado of activity trying to get settled as quickly as possible, I found this quote. It seems appropriate. While I’m chasing squirrels, remember the miracle that is right now.

(That’s see you later in GuaranÃ, but believe me, I´m still working on the Spanish bit)